Благотворительный Фонд им. Л.В. Собинова  поддержки и развития музыкального театра г.Саратов

Главная  Конкурсы  2015  Март  19 Марта The Third International competition of opera singers named after P. SLOVTSOV

The Third International competition of opera singers named after P. SLOVTSOV

Provision on competition

The Third International competition of opera singers named after P. Slovtsov will be held in Krasnoyarsk in May 17–23, 2015.

The Founder of the Competition — the Ministry of Culture of the Krasnoyarsk region.

The Co-Founder — the Irina Arkhipova Foundation.

The Organizer of the Competition — the Krasnoyarsk State Opera and Ballet Theater.

The Competition will be supported by the Krasnoyarsk Administration, the Moscow Musical theater «„Helicon Opera“» and the Culture Department of Moscow.

Terms and conditions of the Competition

  1. The Competition named after P.SLOVTSOV is an artistic contest of vocalist who are capable of showing their talent and mastership by performing classical opera pieces as well as romances, cantatas and oratorios.
  2. For organizing and holding of the Competition the Founder sets up the Organizing Committee (hereinafter Organizing Committee) The Organizing Committee forms the program of the Competition, the Jury and the Management of the Competition. The Management of the Competition organizes the Competition rounds, the work of the Jury, the Closing Ceremony and awarding of the winners, informs the participants of the decisions made during the Competition.
  3. Professional singers (men and women) at the age from 18 up to 35, who have special musical education or students of musical higher schools and colleges of Russia and other countries are allowed to take part in the Competition.
  4. The Competition is held in three Rounds:
    The First Round is qualifying by the video recordings and is held in absentia
    The Second Round is solo with a piano.
    The Third Round is Final and performed with the orchestra of the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater. Arias, fragments of scenes (staged by the participants of the opera directors competition "Nano — Opera").
  5. No more than 30 participants will be allowed to the Second round. No more than 12 participants will be allowed for the Third Round (6 men and 6 women)
  6. The Management of the Competition doesn't provide the contestants with costumes, makeup and footwear.
  7. The order of performance is determined by the drawing of lots and will remain the same till the end of the Competition.
  8. The Management of the Competition will provide a concertmaster for 2 rehearsals and performance in the Second and Third rounds by an application (mention in the application form). A Contestant has the right to perform with their own concertmaster, in this case they take the responsibility for all the expenses on their invitation, transportation and accommodation.
  9. All the participants of the Competition will be given an opportunity to practice in the rehearsal spaces according to the rehearsal schedule. Participants of the Third Round will be given an orchestra rehearsal as well as a mise-en-  scene rehearsal with a director — participant of the Second International Competition of opera directors "NANO-Opera".
  10. The laureates and Diploma Holders of the Competition are obliged to take part in the Closing Gala free of charge.
  11. The Management of the Competition has the right to invite the winners of the Competition to perform in the opera productions of the Krasnoyarsk State Opera and Ballet Theater within 2015–2016 on the terms assigned by the Theatre.
  12. The Management of the Competition has the right to broadcast all the Rounds and the Closing Ceremony including the Gala of the winners and Diploma holders on TV, filming and video recording and the further distribution without paying the fee to the participants of the Competition.
  13. The singers allowed for the Second Round of the Competition will receive an official invitation to the e-mail address mentioned in the application form no later than April 20, 2015.

Application Procedure

  1. The following package of documents must be sent to the email ifbc@mail.ru before April 1, 2015 for registration of participants of the Competition:
    • completed application form (blank form attached);
    • copy of the passport (for foreign citizens copy of the passport used for international travel);
    • copy of the Graduation Diploma (musical education) or a Certificate/reference from the educational institution (for students) ;
    • artistic CV (for publishing in the booklet) no more than 1500 signs;
    • program of each Round (composer, title of the piece, the first words of the aria or romance in the original language);
    • 2 art photos in electronic format no less than 300 dpi resolution (a portrait and in a role);
    • a video recording of the pieces for the First round on a disk;
    • 8. a copy of the document on the registration fee payment;
  2. The applicants form should be completed in Russian or English;
  3. The application signed by the person who wishes to participate in the Competition is the evidence of the fact that a future participant fully accepts the present terms.
  4. The documents must be submitted before April 1, 2015 by email. Applications for participating in the Competition sent without the complete package of documents or after the deadline date mentioned above will not be accepted.

The Jury

  1. The Jury consists of well known Russian and Foreign artists, opera directors, managers of European opera houses.
  2. Performance of each participant of the Competition will be assessed according to the 25 point system without a preliminary discussion.
  3. Each Round is assessed separately.
  4. Laureates of Grand Prix, I, II and III Prize as well as Diploma holders are determined by the sum of the results of the Second and the Third vocal rounds. In some cases a prize can be shared between a few contestants.
  5. The Jury has the right:
    • to award not all the prizes;
    • to share the prizes between the winners ( except the Grand Prix)
    • to award two best concertmasters of Competition with special Diplomas to award three best participants of the Second International Competition of young opera directors "NANO-Opera".
  6. The decisions of the Jury are final and are not subject to appeal and reconsideration.

Prizes and Awards

The following Prizes and Awards are established for the participants of the Competition:
The Grand Prix named after P.SLOVTSOV — 300 000 rubles and a title of Laureate of the Competition

Female voices:

One First Prize — 200 000 rubles and the title of Laureate
One Second Prize — 150 000 rubles and the title of Laureate
One Third Prize — 100 000 rubles and the title of Laureate

Male voices:

One First Prize — 200 000 rubles and the title of Laureate
One Second Prize -150 000 rubles and the title of Laureate
One Third Prize -100 000 rubles and the title of Laureate

Participants of the Third Round who don't become Laureates are awarded with Diplomas and the title of Diploma holders of the Competition.

The money Prizes are paid in rubles BRUTTO taking into account the payment of taxes in accordance with the existing Legislation of the Russian Federation

Speciall Prizes and Awards

State and Public organizations, artistic unions, mass media, institutions and commercial enterprises can establish special prizes by agreement with the Management oof the Competition.

Financial terms

  1. The registration fee is 3000 rubles, for students of educational institutions — 1500 rubles.
    The money should be transferred before the application is submitted to the following bank account:

    for foreign participants:
    Intermediary bank: The Bank of New York, New York SWIFT: IRVTUS3N
    Beneficiary bank: «ROSBANK» (OJSC JSCB) acc. №
    acc. №30301840400000031239
    Beneficiary's account: №
    Beneficiary name and address: Regional State Autonomous Cultural Organization the Krasnoyarsk State Opera and Ballet Theatre.

    All the commissions for the bank transfer are covered by the participants. A copy of the registration fee payment document has to be attached to the Competition application form.
    The Management of the Competition has the right not to allow a candidate to participate in the Competition if a document on the registration fee payment is not attached to the application.
    In case a candidate refuses to take part in the Competition their documents and the registration fee will not be returned.
  2. The host of the Competition, I.e.  the Krasnoyarsk State Opera and Ballet Theater takes all the expenses connected with participation in the Competition (transportation, accommodation and meals of the participants).
  3. After the confirmation that a participant is allowed for the Second round foreign participants apply for the visa at the Russian Consulate by themselves with submission of an official invitation.
  4. The Management can assist the people accompanying a participant (coaches, teachers, relatives) in visa formalities, and booking a hotel and tickets to the Competition in case it is requested in advance.
  5. The participants who are not allowed to the Third round and who wish to stay for the Finale of the Competition should pay for accommodation, meals and departure themselves.

Program of the Competition

Round I

According to DVD

Round II

The list of arias of Russian composers:


  1. Iolanta. Opera «Iolanta».
  2. Tatiana. Opera «Evgeny Onegin»
  3. Lisa. Opera «Queen of Spades»
  4. Agness. Opera «Maid of Orleans»


  1. Shamahan queen. Opera «Golden Cockrell»
  2. Marfa. Opera «The Tzar's Bride»
  3. Swan Princess. Opera «Tale of Tzar Saltan».
  4. Snowmaiden. Opera «The Snowmaiden».
  5. Servilia. Opera «Servilia»


  1. Ioanna. Opera «Maid of Orleans».
  2. Olga. Opera"Evgeny Onegin«
  3. Polina. Opera «The Queen of Spades»

M. Mussorgsky

  1. Marfa. Opera «Khovanschina».
  2. Marina. Opera «Boris Godunov».

P. Tchaikovsky

  1. Lensky. Opera «Evgeny Onegin».
  2. Herman. Opera «The Queen of Spades»
  3. Vodemon. Opera «Iolanta».

N. Rimsky-Korsakov

  1. Lykov. Opera «The Tzar's Bride»
  2. Berendei. Opera «Snowmaiden»
  3. Levko. Opera «May Night»
  4. «Golden Cockrell»
  5. Indian Guest. Opera «Sadko»

A. Serov

  1. Vagoa. Opera «Judith»

M. Glinka.

  1. Boyan. (I, II). The Finale of opera «Ruslan and Ludmila»


  1. Onegin. Opera «Evgeny Onegin»
  2. Mazeppa. Opera «Mazeppa».
  4. Robert. Opera «Iolanta»


  1. Gryaznoy. Opera «The Tzar's Bride».
  2. Vedenetsky Guest. Opera «Sadko»


  1. Boris. Opera «Boris Godunov».
  2. Varlaam. Opera «Boris Godunov».
  3. Pimen. Opera «Boris Godunov».
  4. Dosifey. Opera «Khovanschina»


  1. Gremin. Opera «Evgeny Onegin "
  2. Renee. Opera «Iolanta»


  1. Susanin. Opera «Life for the Tzar» («Ivan Susanin ")
  2. Ruslan. Opera «Ruslan and Ludmila»


  1. Varyag Guest. Opera «Sadko»


  1. Olofern. Opera «Judith»

Counter tenor

  1. Vanya. Opera «Ivan Susanin»
  2. Ratmir. Opera «Ruslan and Ludmila»


  1. Basmanov. Opera «Oprichnik»

Round III

The list of operas of the repertoire of the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater

A. Borodin «Prince Igor .
W.Mozart «The Marriage of Figaro»
G. Donizetti «Love potion».
G. Puccini «Madame Butterfly","Tosca», «La Bohemia
G. Verdi «Rigoletto","Aida», «La Traviata, «Travattore»
G. Bizet «Carmen
M. Mussorgsky «Boris Godunov» the fountain scene in the 1st version (version of Rimsky-Korsakov)
P. Mascagni «Cavalleria Rusticana
P. Tchaikovsky «Evgeny Onegin, «Iolanta», «The Queen of Spades","The Maid of Orleans»
S. Rachmaninoff «Aleko
R. Leonkavallo «Pagliacci
N. Rimsky-Korsakov «Snowmaiden, «Sadko","The Tzar's Bride», «May Night»


  1. Each piece can only be performed in one Round.
  2. All the pieces must be performed in the language of original.
  3. The duration of performance in Round II should not be longer than 25 minutes. In case of going over the limit the Jury has the right to interrupt the performance of a participant.
  4. Change of the pieces announced in the program after the drawing of lots is not allowed and can only be done in exceptional cases with a special permission of the Jury.

Application for participation in the competition (to be completed on the model )
III Международный конкурс оперных певцов и режиссеров имени П.И. Словцова